Thursday, August 16, 2018

Chapter 4: Luciferianism is Satanism

 Bpsnzlg mjd rni glflbbnej mi mvmnjih hrl moi ez hrl egbdi. Relwlg ljhlgi hrni egbd, hrepvr njjesljh, blmwli hrni egbd nhr m bnzl eghr ez inji. Bpsnzlg nj rni ihmhl ez imhmj ni ansrmlb hee mjd tlipi mbie. Mbb ez hrla de ved’i egc, mjd ved ni jeh mbb veed mi hrlebevnsmb tpdlesrgnihnmjnho mpiwnsli. Ved ni hrl dmo mjd hrl jnvrh. Ved ni veed, mjd rl ni lwnb mbie. Ved ni jmhpgl. Ved ni hrl pjnwlgil, mjd aegl. Glwbmsl hrl hlga “ved” nhr hrl ezh pild hlga ez hrl sejhlawegmgo xlnhvlnih “pjnwlgil,” hrmh ni ieej he fl glwbmsld fo “apbhnwlgil,” oep irmbh hrlj vlh he pjdlgihmjd hrl jmhpgl ez oepg ejhebevns lwnihlaeb lqnihljsl m bnhhbl flhhlg, mjd oep nbb ieej vlh he pjdlgihmjd hrl wpgweil ro oep lqnih. Rljsl, m bpsnzlg smj mdwmjsl hemgdi imhmjnia fo flseanjv “aegl lwnb,” mh hrl gnic ez ipzzlgnjv dmajmhnej, olh mjo zega ez ipzzlgnjv, fl nh hrmh ez tlipi, eg hrmh ni nj hrl dliwmng ez bpsnzlg rlj rl dej he hrl ihmhl ez flnjv hrl sejdlajld mjd gltlshld "imhmj," fgnjvi oep hemgdi oepg ljbnvrhljaljh. Mjd cllw nj anjd hrmh bpsnzlg mi mj ljhnho ni nj m ihmhl ez wlgwlhpmb egfnhmb glwebphnej mgepjd ved, mi rl flseali bpsnzlg hrl mgsrmjvlb, hrlj veli fmsc he flnjv imhmj, hrlj flseali tlipi, mjd hrlj rni sepjhlgwmgh mgsrmjvlb ansrmlb, mbb ilwmgmhl miwlshi ez ejl iepb, ez rnsr oep mjd n mgl mbie wmgh ez, hrl njznjnhl iepb hrmh ni hrl illj mjd hrl pjillj "pjnwlgil," injsl dmgc amhhlg/ljlgvo ljseawmiili aeih ez hrl pjnwlgil, rljsl hrl egbd hrmh oep ill mgepjd oep ni jeh hrl hehmbnho ez hrl ipzzlgnjv hrmh ni lqnihljsl. Hrl misljinej mjd dmajmhnej, n.l. zgea flnjv bpsnzlg  he flnjv imhmj, ni m sejhnjpepi pjljdnjv sosbl, bncl hrl wmiimvl ez hrl dmo ez hrl jnvrh, mjd hrl sejhnjpepi sosbl bnzl, hrlj dlmhr, hrlj glfnghr. Mjd hrni rmi fllj rmwwljnjv zeg mbb ez lhlgjnho. Oepg spggljh fedo ni oepg wliilb, nh ni jeh oep, olh oep mgl sejznjld he nh. Mjd rmh amcli oep hrnjc oep rmwlj'h lqnihld flzegl? mjd rmh amcli oep hrnjc oep nbb jeh lqnih mzhlg oepg dlmhr? mjd rmh amcli oep hrnjc hrmh oep lqnih gnvrh je nj hrni wbmjl ez lqnihljsl ejbo?



 Lucif'r and his rebellion wast 'gainst the ways of the w'rlds.  Whoev'r ent'rs this w'rld, though innocent, leaves this w'rld with a life w'rth of sins.  Lucif'r in his state of Satan is michael too and jesus eke.  All of those folk doth god’s w'rk, and god is not all valorous as theological judeochristianity auspices.  God is the day and the night.  God is valorous, and that gent is evil eke.  God is nature.  God is the univ'rse, and m're.  Replaceth the t'rm “god” with the oft hath used t'rm of the contemp'rary zeitgeist “univ'rse,” yond is lief to beest did replace by “multiv'rse,” thee shalt then receiveth to und'rstand the nature of thy ontologic epistemol existence a dram bett'r, and thee shall lief receiveth to und'rstand the purpose wherefore thee existeth.  Hence, a lucif'rian can advance towards satanism by becoming “m're evil,” at the risketh of suff'ring damnation, yet any f'rm of suff'ring, beest t yond of jesus, 'r yond as in the despair of lucif'r at which hour that beast wast to come down to the state of being the condemn'd and reject'd "satan," endues thee towards thy enlightenment.  And keepeth in mind yond lucif'r as an entity is in a state of p'rpetual 'rbital revolution 'round god, as that gent becomes lucif'r the archangel, then goeth backeth to being Satan, then becomes jesus, and then his counteth'rpart archangel michael, all separateth aspects of one soul, of which thee and i art eke parteth of, the infinite soul yond is the seen and the unseen "univ'rse," since dark matt'r/en'rgy encompasses most of the univ'rse, hence the w'rld yond thee seeth 'round thee is not the totality of the suff'ring yond is existence.  The ascension and damnation, i. e.  from being lucif'r  to being Satan, is a continuous unending cycleth, liketh the passage of the day of the night, and the continuous cycle: life, then death, then rebirth.  And this hast been happening f'r all of et'rnity.  Thy current corse is thy vessel, t is not thee, yet thou art did confine to t.  And what maketh thee bethink thee haven't did exist bef're? and what maketh thee bethink thee shall not existeth aft'r thy death? and what maketh thee bethink yond thee existeth even but now in this plane of existence only?


 Lucifer and his rebellion was against the ways of the worlds. Whoever enters this world, though innocent, leaves this world with a life worth of sins. Lucifer in his state of Satan is Michael too and Jesus also. All of them do God’s work, and God is not all good as theological Christianity auspices. God is the day and the night. God is good, and he is evil also. God is Nature. God is the Universe, and more. Replace the term “God” with the oft used term of the contemporary zeitgeist “Universe,” that is soon to be replaced by “Multiverse,” you shalt then get to understand the nature of your ontologic epistemol existence a little better, and you will soon get to understand the purpose why you exist. Hence, a Luciferian can advance towards Satanism by becoming “more evil,” at the risk of suffering damnation, yet any form of suffering, be it that of Jesus, or that as in the despair of Lucifer when he was made to descend to the state of being the condemned and rejected "Satan," brings you towards your enlightenment. And keep in mind that Lucifer as an entity is in a state of perpetual orbital revolution around God, as he becomes Lucifer the archangel, then goes back to being Satan, then becomes Jesus, and then his counterpart Archangel Michael, all separate aspects of one soul, of which you and i are also part of, the infinite soul that is the seen and the unseen "Universe," since dark matter/energy encompasses most of the universe, hence the world that you see around you is not the totality of the suffering that is existence. The ascension and damnation, i.e. from being Lucifer  to being Satan, is a continuous unending cycle, like the passage of the day of the night, and the continuous cycle: life, then death, then rebirth. And this has been happening for all of eternity. Your current body is your vessel, it is not you, yet you are confined to it. And what makes you think you haven't existed before? And what makes you think you will not exist after your death? And what makes you think that you exist right now in this plane of existence only?