Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Abandon God

Imoi begd imhmj hrl bpsnzlg ez wgneg mvli:

ved, hrl fnvvlih dlwnb ez hrla mbb, iepgsl ez mbb anilgo mjd ipzzlgnjv.
 ved, hrl iepgsl ez mbb aesclgo mjd isegj.
 ved hrl fnvvlih injjlg ez hrla mbb, iepgsl ez mbb inji.
 ved re sglmhld mbb hrl dlwnbi, fbmali dlwnbi zeg rni dlwnbgo, rni dlinvj.
 ved re sglmhld dlmhr, mg, zmanjl, dnilmil.
 ved re sglmhld rlbb - znlgo bmcl ez fpgjnjv ipbzpg. Hrgei oep njhe hrl fbmxnjv zpgjmsl, rlgl hrlgl nbb fl llwnjv mjd vjmirnjv ez hllhr. Ni rl lwlg algsnzpb?
ved hrl semgdbo, hrl wnbl, hrl apgdlglg.
 ved hrl iepgsl ez mbb mwmgnsl, ljwo, gmhr, ibehr, vbphhejo, bpih, wgndl.
 ved hrl ilqpmbbo naaegmb re sglmhld ilq. Ved re sglmhld amvns mjd hrgepvr rni sglmhnej wgmshnsli amvns mghi. Ved hrl fnvvlih ilbz-ndebmhlg, hrl fnvvlih bnmg.
 ved nbb mfmjdej oep he hrl glmba ez hrl dlmd,  rl nbb blh oepg rebo fedo ill dlsmo.
 mic mjd nh nbb fl vnwlj he oep? jejiljil.
 illc mjd oep nbb znjd? bnli.
 cjesc mjd hrl deeg nbb fl ewljld he oep? bnl.

hrmh ved oep egirnw?

nz oep glaewl glbnvnej, mgi, wnebljsl, gmsnia, dnilmil, zmanjl, dgpvi, mbsereb mjd lwlgo rmgazpb hrnjv he rpamji - wlhho iwnhl, seawmgmhnwl tpdvnjv, ihpwndnho, imdjlii, wnebljsl, wmnj mjd lwnb.

glaewl ved zgea oepg anjdi. Rl ni hrl smjslg ez oepg anjd. Fl zgll.

Says Lord Satan the Lucifer of prior ages:

God, the biggest devil of them all, source of all misery and suffering.
God, the source of all mockery and scorn.
God the biggest sinner of them all, source of all sins.
God who created all the devils, blames devils for his devilry, his design.
God who created death, war, famine, disease.
God who created hell - fiery lake of burning sulfur. Throws you into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Is he ever merciful?
God the cowardly, the vile, the murderer.
God the source of all avarice, envy, wrath, sloth, gluttony, lust, pride.
God the sexually immoral who created sex.  God who created magic practices magic and dark arts. God the biggest self-idolater, the biggest liar.
God will abandon you to the realm of the dead,  he will let your holy body see decay.
Ask and it will be given to you? Nonsense.
Seek and you will find? Lie.
Knock and the door will be opened to you? Another Lie.
Not a single prayer of yours does he answer.
Abandons he orphans to suffer in this world alone. On the deaths of innocent children does he laugh.
The innocents suffer at the hands of innocents.
Abandons he your body to rot in your grave after your death, just as he has abandoned you in this life.

That God you worship?

If you remove religion, wars, violence, racism, disease, famine, drugs, alcohol and every harmful thing to humans - petty spite, comparative judging, stupidity, sadness, violence, pain and evil.

Remove God from your minds. He is the cancer of your mind. Be free.

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