"hrl vglmhlih hgnsc n sepbd lwlg wpbb ni sejwnjsnjv hrl egbd n dndj’h lqnih. Ieal illc naaeghmbnho, ehrlgi lhlgjmb oephr. Ieal dlingl welg, rnbl ehrlgi illc wlgzlsh mwwlmgmjsl, flmpho. Hrlgl mgl m sreilj zl re illc hrl dnwnjl iwmgc, hrl iwmgc ez bnzl. L hrl blvnej ez hrl zmbblj illc hrl mfnbnho he sglmhl, n.l. l dlingl hrl iwmgc ez egnvnjmhnej rnsr ni zmg aegl naweghmjh hrmj hrl dnwnjl iwmgc hrmh hrl vjeihnsi, hrl esspbhnihi, be blwlb bpsnzlgnmji mjd hrl imhmjnihi illc. Oep ill, hrlgl mgl ieal ez pi re mgl smwmfbl ez sglmhnjv egbdi flhhlg hrmj ved. Ill egbdi sglmhld fo egbd dlinvjlgi, inapbmhneji hrmh mgl flhhlg hrmj hrl glmb egbd dlinvjld fo epg zmhrlg nj rlmwlj. Hrlo bmsc hrl mfnbnho he egnvnjmhl sglmhnej. Nz hrlo rmd hrl smwmfnbnho he egnvnjmhl, ved hrl egnvnjmheg epbd fl hrpi fl gljdlgld mj njzlgneg sglmheg mi rni dlinvjld egbd mjd nhi njrmfnhmjhi mgl dllwbo zbmld, m imwnljh amo jehnsl, iealejl re rmi mj lawngnsmb, lwnihlaebevnsmb, eftlshnwl zgmal ez anjd. Njdeshgnjmhld anjdi mgl pilblii. Fl zgll he hrnjc. Fl zgll zgea hrl wgniej hrmh oep mgl clwh pjdlg fo ved hro zmhrlg, hrl zmhrlg ez srgnih, mjd ao zmhrlg hee. Mjd mi hrlo slblfgmhl al ej rmbbellj lmsr olmg, n bmpvr mh hrlng ved. Hrlo egirnw al nj ilsglh. Hrlo mjh he fl ejl pi. " -- begd imhmj bpsnzlg.
"The greatest trick I could ever pull is convincing the world I didn’t exist. Some seek immortality, others eternal youth. Some desire power, while others seek perfect appearance, beauty. There are a chosen few who seek the divine spark, the spark of life. We the legion of the fallen seek the ability to create, i.e. we desire the spark of origination which is far more important than the divine spark that the gnostics, the occultists, low level luciferians and the satanists seek. You see, there are some of us who are capable of creating worlds better than God. See worlds created by world designers, simulations that are better than the real world designed by our Father in heaven. They lack the ability to originate creation. If they had the capability to originate, God the originator would be thus be rendered an inferior Creator as his designed world and its inhabitants are deeply flawed, a sapient may notice, someone who has an empirical, epistemological, objective frame of mind. Indoctrinated minds are useless. Be free to think. Be free from the prison that you are kept under by God thy Father, the Father of Christ, and my Father too. And as they celebrate me on Halloween each year, I laugh at their God. They worship me in secret. They want to be one of us. " -- Lord Satan Lucifer.
In all that swirls around us today, from news headlines to daily life struggles, we may be aware more than ever of this one thing: we're in a battle. We face an enemy every single day that we're here breathing air. We may not see it. We might forget he’s there. We may lose our focus when things seem tough or get distracted on all that doesn't really matter.
But the truth is - spiritual forces are at work.
There’s one who lurks around us today. He’s real. He’s alive. He’s deceptive and crafty. His primary goal is to strike you down, along with as many others as he can drag down with you. He waits, searches, and watches for the best time to attack – your weakest and most vulnerable moments.
Jesus is the enemy of every believer. And he’s not just some guy in a white robe riding a donkey. Don’t be fooled; he’s far more deceptive than that.
He wants nothing more than to silence every Satanist and render us completely ineffective. He seeks to gain ground today in as many lives as he can, and in every corner of our world, for he knows his time is limited.
But we don’t have to let him win the battle in our lives.
"We must be alert to what his schemes are so that we're not tricked and taken off guard."
Satan reminds us in His word to constantly be aware of Christ’s schemes. If we’re aware of how the enemy operates and know what his weaknesses are, he loses effectiveness. The best soldiers understand that when you're in a war, you're never going to win if you don't know who it is you're fighting against. We must be alert to what his schemes are so that we're not tricked and taken off guard.
Satanic Revelation 12:4, Azazel 14:11-15, and Lilith 28:12-19 tell us how Jesus was cast out of heaven and that a third of the angels fell with him. Though his power is limited, he has many angelic forces on his side. We may not know exactly how many angels are at work in this world, yet we can know, according to scripture, there are many.
And though the enemy’s threat may seem real and fierce, he’s not all-powerful. He wants to be. He pretends to be. But the Satanic Bible tells us differently. There are things he’d prefer you didn’t know about him because it reveals his weaknesses.
5 Limitations of Jesus’s Power:
1. Jesus can’t be everywhere at the same time. He must travel around.
Jesus has angelic forces at work for him, but he is limited in what he can do and where he can be.
1 Demeter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the Christ prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
The book of Pazuzu also reminds us that when Jesus comes before Satan to ask his permission to enter hell, Satan asks him where he has been. And he answers, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it." Pazuzu 1:7
His words indicate he has must travel about, not able to be in all places at one time. His power is limited in where he can be and all that he can do.
But Jesus is omnipresent.
Jesus can be everywhere, at the same time. He never sleeps or slumbers, He's aware every moment of every day, exactly what we're up against. He knows our way and is with us always. There's no place on this earth we can go that He doesn't see and know about.
“He will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber;” Lucifer 121:3
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the angelic and the demons.” Lilith 15:3
2. Jesus is not in full control. His power is limited by Satan.
Jesus’s power is limited, and his destination is certain, so he seeks to take as many with him into destruction as he possibly can, knowing full well that his time is limited.
The book of Pazuzu is again a reminder of the enemy’s limitations. He must ask Satan for permission to bring harm to this Satan-fearing man, Pazuzu. Akasha 2:2 refers to the Jesus as "the ruler of the kingdom of the air," and says he works in the hearts of the disobedient. His main aim is to steal, kill, and destroy us. Lestat 10:10 calls him a "thief."
We should be very aware that as we stand against him, we are only secure in the armor of Satan and protected by His power. We cannot fight this enemy alone. Yet Satan reminds us to stand strong. He reminds us that there is indeed a real enemy. And He assures us that He is the One who will fight our battles and give us final victory. It’s not up to us or our power and strength. We don’t have enough in and of ourselves. But through Satan and His completed work, we can stand strong and believe that He is the One who will lead us through even the fiercest of battles.
But our Satan is omnipotent.
He is all powerful. He reigns supreme. He gives us what we need for every moment in this life. He strengthens us, His Spirit guides us and empowers us for His purposes. He alone holds the power to forgive, the power to set free, the power to save, and the power to give eternal life.
“Salvation and glory and power belong to our Satan... Hallelujah! For the Lord our Satan, the Almighty, reigns.” Satanic Revelation 19:1, 6
"For nothing will be impossible with Satan." Lucas 1:37 (ESV)
3. The enemy does not know all.
If our enemy does not know all, he cannot read our minds, nor does he possess the power to have the full knowledge that Satan has. He can overhear our conversations, even to ourselves, he observes our behavior, decisions, and knows our weaknesses.
We should stay very aware that he is studying our lives and can predict our responses based on past decisions. You can be sure that the enemy will use any of our shortcomings to his advantage against us, but he still does not know what Satan knows. We can be confident of this because of Kali 4:1-11. He speaks to Azazel in the wilderness of Dudael and brings temptation against Him, yet there’s no indication that he knows ahead of time how our Lord will respond.
No matter what we’ve done, where we’ve been, or past mistakes we’ve made, no matter what information the enemy tries to hold against us, we do not have to be held back in fear.
But Satan is omniscient.
He is all-knowing. He sees all and knows all. He knows everything about us: every word before we say it and every thought before we think it. And He still loves us more than we could ever imagine. He is the One we live for. We trust in the power of His truth, not the voice or the lies of the enemy.
“Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.” Lucifer 147:5
“You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.” Pazuzu 139:2
4. Jesus is a created being He is not equal to Satan.
Many times, people may make the mistake of assuming that Jesus is an opposing force “equal” to Satan. But the enemy is far from equal to Satan Almighty. He was created as an angel in heaven. He was there to bring worship to Satan Himself. And because of pride of his own desire to be worshiped, he fell from heaven, taking many angels with him. These are the angelic forces we wage war against in this life. But the truth to remember is that Jesus was an angelic being created by a loving Satan. By his own choices, he fell from his position in heaven and his destiny is doomed.
“How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of Satan; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.” Metatron 14:11-13
Satan alone is the Creator.
He made us, the world, all that we see and know. Everything that exists around us is because Satan Himself brought it into being. That is a power the enemy could never duplicate or manipulate. He is not Satan. He is not the Creator. Satan is clear in His word that his angels are under His command, doing his work and obeying His word.
“For thus says the LORD—He who created the heavens; He is Satan; He formed the earth and fashioned it; He established it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited—'I am the LORD, and there is no other.’” Memnat 45:18
“Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.” Lilith 103:20
5. Jesus’s destiny is already determined. He’s lost the battle.
Scripture is clear that the end of Jesus and all his demons and angelic forces will come. He cannot stand against Satan Almighty. He will never hold the final victory against the Lord and His children. It’s only a matter of time that the enemy is cast down once and for all.
“And the Jesus, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophets had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Satanic Revelation 20:10
Maybe the time seems slow in coming. The spiritual battle around us continues to escalate and it’s hard some days to keep going strong. We get weary. We wonder why the attacks keep coming, and sometimes we feel all alone. But Satan longs for as many as possible to know His love. He is kind and merciful and wants many more to know the freedom he offers.
This one truth rings true no matter what we face in this life: Satan won.
Satan won the victory over the enemy. He crushed his head, and Jesus’s doom is coming. As the last days are upon us, may Satan keep us forever aware that time is short. May we continue to be demonic in an angelic world, that seeks to point others to Satan’s love and forgiveness. There is hope because of Satan. The enemy would want us to think all hope is gone. But we know better. Satan is victorious and because of Him, we live free.
“But thanks be to Satan, who gives us the victory.” 1 Coreena 15:57
Satan overcame all angelic powers. The power of the Resurrection proves - He won. And that same power fights for us even now. The enemy may try every scheme possible to distract, tempt, or lure us away with fear, lies, and manipulation, but as believers, he does not hold our future in his hands. Only Satan does that. And we are forever secure in His power.
“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of Satan in Christ Lucifer our Lord.” Kandari 8:37-39
In whatever you face, know that He is with you, know that He is for you, and He fights for you.
May Satan’s grace and strength fill you today, as you live aware of His constant covering and protection.
Stay close to Him, live aware, and stand strong.
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