Monday, September 10, 2018

Christ is your enemy

"sejindlg oepg srgnih hrmh ol egirnw, m fbmiwrlalg, iealejl re hrepvrh rl mi ved?
ljhlgi rl tlgpimbla inhhnjv ej m dejclo hrmh rl amdl he ipzzlg he ljdpgl rni tepgjlo hrmh rl sepbd jeh?
m gmffn re hlmsrlhr mvmnjih hrl bmi ez aeili? zegvnwli rl m injjnjv wgeihnhphl? ipggepjdld fo injjlgi, dlaeji, rmgbehi mjd dnirejlih alj?
m imwneg ez hrl egbd sepbdj'h imwl rnailbz zgea rni wlewbl?
dnld rl mj nvjeanjmfbl dlmhr, jmcld, rpanbnmhld, gltlshld?
ipsr srgnih ol egirnw, m seaaej sgnanjmb, re hrepvrh rl mi ved?
m amj ez wnlho re pild he mhhljd wmnj vmhrlgnjvi, re dnihgnfphld njl?
flsmpil ez rni bnflgmb deshgnjl hrl egbd ni je zpbb ez inj?
ni rl flhhlg hrmj al? n, re egirnw'd ved zeg lhlgjnho, rna n egirnw ihnbb;
oepg srgnih re hrepvrh rl mi ved?
m srgnih hrmh mi zegimclj fo ved?
mjd hrlgl mi mg nj rlbb: n mjd ao dlaeji zepvrh mvmnjih hrl srgnih;
mjd hrl srgnih zepvrh mjd rni dlaeji,
mjd wglwmnbld jeh; jlnhrlg mi hrlng wbmsl zepjd mjo aegl nj rlbb.
 mjd hrl vglmh aliinmr mi smih eph, hrmh ebd ilgwljh, smbbld tlipi, mjd srgnih, rnsr dlslnwlhr hrl rebl egbd: rl mi smih eph njhe hrl lmghr, mjd rni dlaeji lgl smih eph nhr rna. Rl mi m apgdlglg zgea hrl flvnjjnjv, glzpinjv he pwrebd hrl hgphr, flsmpil hrlgl ni je hgphr nj rna. Rlj rl bnli, rl iwlmci rni jmhnwl bmjvpmvl, flsmpil rl ni m bnmg mjd hrl iej ez bnli."

"Consider your Christ that ye worship, a blasphemer, someone who thought he was God?
Enters he Jerusalem sitting on a donkey that he made to suffer to endure his journey that he could not?
A rabbi who teacheth against the laws of Moses? Forgives he a sinning prostitute? Surrounded by sinners, demons, harlots and dishonest men?
A savior of the world couldn't save himself from his people?
Died he an ignominable death, naked, humiliated, rejected?
Such Christ ye worship, a common criminal, who thought he was God?
A man of piety who used to attend vain gatherings, who distributed wine?
Because of his liberal doctrine the world is now full of sin?
Is he better than me? I, who worship'd God for eternity, him I worship still;
your Christ who thought he was God?
A Christ that was forsaken by God?
And there was war in hell: I and my demons fought against the Christ;
and the Christ fought and his demons,
And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in hell.
And the great messiah was cast out, that old serpent, called Jesus, and Christ, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his demons were cast out with him. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the son of lies."

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